
Obtaining the visual identity certificates

Rates Request*
Duty discounts 30%**

  • Nice Classification
  • verification of logos and names
  • registration with Rospatent (Federal Service for Intellectual Property)


Our work practice?



Determination of the trademark classes according to the International Classification of Goods and Services (Nice Classification)



Search in the trademark registries to identify any obstacles to registration



Preparation of the application files for registration with the patent authority



Submission of application, payment of fees, records management and consultation on franchising

Our advantages


Our patent attorneys have experience of work as the Rospatent (Federal Service for Intellectual Property) experts


During the first consultation, we will explain how to protect intellectual property


We have extensive experience in various fields of science and commerce


  • Consultation
  • Express search
  • Consultation
  • Classification by Nice Classification
  • Search through databases of national trademarks, applications for national trademarks, international trademarks, applications for international trademarks in 5 Nice Classification classes
  • Preparation of a written report
  • Consultation
  • Classification by Nice Classification
  • Search through databases of national trademarks, applications for national trademarks, international trademarks, applications for international trademarks in 5 Nice Classification classes
  • Preparation of a written report
  • Registration of the application
  • Record keeping

+1000₽ for each Nice Classification class over 5


Preparation and submission of application in 24 hours
The term for obtaining the final expert’s decision is 2-6 months from the date of submission
Fees Request

  • Classification according to Nice Classification
  • Preparation of application
  • Preliminary verification according to 45 classes of Nice Classification the results of which will be considered by the experts
  • Preparation of a written report
  • Records management until the final expert’s decision
Other services
  • Office work and work with authors
  • Registration of rights and interaction with Rospatent, FAS, Customs
  • Participation in negotiations and conducting transactions
  • Inventory, submission of reports and internal documentation
  • Research and monitoring of competitors
  • Participation in the work on the creation and sale of products
  • Patent disputes, claims and courts
More details
  • Development and implementation of a franchise advancement strategy
  • Records management, design and marketing works
  • Registration of rights with Rospatent (Federal Service for Intellectual Property)
  • Negotiations, transactions with the customers and franchisees
  • Market research and competitor monitoring
  • Creation, sale of products and development of services
  • Patent conflicts, claims against the infringers, courts and Federal Antimonopoly Service
More details
Verification and preparation of a report on the possible sign registration as a trademark of the Russian Federation Request
Verification and preparation of a report on the possible sign registration as a trademark of the Russian Federation when ordering more than 10 signs 5000₽/pc. for 5 classes according to Nice Classification + 300₽ for each class in excess of 5
Sign classification according to Nice Classification (separately as a service) Request
Preparation, submission of a response to an expert’s request on the results of the declared sign conformance inspection with the legal requirements Request
Регистрация товарного знака за рубежом Request
Submission to Rospatent (Federal Service for Intellectual Property) of opposition to the registration of a trademark Request
Negotiations with the trademark owner to obtain permission to register the applicant's trademark Request
Amendments to the register of trademarks Request
Amendments to the trademark certificate Request
Obtaining a duplicate trademark certificate Request
Entry of information relating to the trademark owner into the customs register Request
Preparation and submission of the rightholder’s refusal of the existing trademark registration Request
Inclusion of intellectual property items in the customs register Request

The works that are not listed shall be agreed individually.

*The amounts of fees are not included in the indicated cost.

**We will help you to get tax benefits up to 30%.

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What are the patent fees?

Minimum fees for examination 15 000₽

The minimum fees for registration and issuance of a certificate are 18 000₽.

How to register a trademark yourself?


The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation decided to complicate the protection of intellectual rights that a brand is not subject to registration if it can be taken as a designation of a certain type of goods.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation introduced uncertainty into the legal practice of registering trademarks, deciding that Rospatent may refuse to register if, in the opinion of the expert of the Federal Institute for Industrial Property, the designation indicated can be perceived as a type of goods.

The Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has prepared new explanations of the application practice of the provisions of the fourth part of the Civil Code for the courts.

The resolution clarifies the procedure for determining jurisdiction of disputes arising from the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the procedure for resolving disputes arising from agreements referred to in this part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and explains the procedure for resolving disputes related to the protection of intellectual property rights and other issues relating to copyright and intellectual property.

A trademark becomes a panacea for unscrupulous competitors on the Internet.

The use of keywords (phrases) identical or confusingly similar to another person’s means of personalization, taking into account the purpose of such use, by an advertiser in a contextual advertisement on the Internet as a criterion for its displaying can be recognized as an act of unfair competition.